Macon Kennel Club GA
Members have fun with the many dog training & practice opportunities that MKC offers to enhance the relationship between an individual and their dog(s). As a member of MKC you will have the first option to participate in seminars, workshops, and practices as well and other interesting activities that will be available at various times in the future. Some of the workshops and seminars MKC has hosted in the past include:
Macon Kennel Club GA also hosts two major trials each year in the spring in conjunction with the Crossroads of Georgia Cluster. There are many ways for members to volunteer at this event and other events.
MKC also hosts two events to relax and have fun with our members. We have a yearly winter gathering in December and a summer picnic usually in July. At these events members are able to spend time together catching up with friends, making new friends, being entertained and sometimes participating in the entertainment.
Cricket - Papillon - Barn Hunt
To become a MKC member, one must attend 3 regular membership meetings and submit an application. Monthly meetings are held the first Monday of each month at the Macon Kennel Club building in Perry, Georgia. The July picnic and December Christmas party do not count as a regular membership meeting. There are three types of memberships: Individual, Household and Junior. Only Active members in good standing will be eligible to vote and hold office.
Active Macon Kennel Club members must also be in good standing with AKC. Active members must be 16 years of age and older. Junior members shall not be eligible to hold office or vote.
A guest must submit a membership application at his/her second regular meeting of the club. The application will be read and then voted upon by secret ballot at the 3rd attended general membership meeting and the applicant will be notified by mail whether or not elected into the membership. Membership dues must be paid when application is submitted. Dues are $40 for household or $30 single/junior.
Pay for your membership, workshops, classes, etc. Put a note referencing what the payment is for i.e. Member Dues 2019.